Power Consumption Solutions for Battery Operated Medical Devices

Application Notes

Battery Life is Key

Characterizing battery life is critical for developers of portable battery-powered medical devices. Advances in semiconductor technology have enabled most components in a medical device to be integrated onto a single chip, or a system-on-a-chip (SoC). Further reductions in size are constrained by powering technologies like energy storage and harvesting elements. Long periods of sleep/idle, wakeup/active, and short RF bursts create a challenging demand on the battery.

The typical peak current for wireless technologies is shown below:

Wireless technology

  • Bluetooth® 
  • NFC 
  • ZigBee

Peak current

  • < 15 mA (read and transmit)
  • < 15 mA (read) 
  • ~ 5.9 to 34 mA